As many of you may know or have heard my little hometown got HAMMERED with hail.
Not just your average pea sized hail, but golf ball to baseball sized hail.
I was working in the library when it happened and all the power went out and the few patrons that were inside stood out in the lobby with me as we watched in shock, seeing the hail smash the concrete and cars. Withing minutes it looked like it had snowed an inch as the ground was govered in hail.
Seriously I have never seen anything like this, not even in a movie.
After I got home from work we went and drove around to survey the damage.
You couldn't drive down the street more then 5 seconds without seeing at least one car with a smashed in window.
Usually anytime is a good time to go to the temple but if you lived out of town and walked out of the temple all happy and glowing I'm sorry that feeling didn't last much longer once you saw your car.
My dad estimates that 50% of the cars that were left unprotected have smashed windows and if your window wasn't smashed in, then your car looks like it got hit with 100 baseball bats.
As for houses there are a few broken windows, panelling dented, and shingles and ceder wood roofing broken off.
And well you can guess that every garden in town is destroyed.
My heart breaks for my dad. His garden is his baby during the summer.
But he has a good attitude about it. He just says "Oh well it's just a garden, at least I'll have a lot more free time."
And here are some pictures just so you can see how bad it was.
And here are some pictures just so you can see how bad it was.