Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Some summer fun

Summer has been pretty good to us so far. A little different with a baby since we are used to being able to go on any hike we want, go on evening walks, play cards all night, etc. We can still do those things with Sienna, it's just a little bit more of a process, but we love having her a long!

We went to Waterton with my sister and her kids while they were here. We walked around red rock canyon and then had a little picnic

We took Sienna on her first hike in Waterton on Saturday the 26th. I think she actually quite enjoyed it. When she was awake she stared at the trees with her eyes and mouth wide opened. But I think unless we hike something that is only an hour or so hike we won't be bringing her along. She just got too heavy. Sure we had a baby carrier, but after 10 mins, my back is killing me, so I opted to carry her in my arms. So next time she is staying with the grandparents, which will probably be more fun for her anyway. 
Matt's first time in B.C. The hike starts in Alberta, but after about 15 mins you hit this sign. Pretty neat
Us at wall lake. Sienna hasn't quite learned to look at a camera yet when she isn't laying down.

She is already using body language to tell me to get out of her face. But look at how long she is getting! 

I forced her to wear a hat even though it was ten times to big. I was worried about her getting a tick plus a sunburn. This is how she looked the majority of the time she had it on. 

It was my sister and her kids first time meeting Sienna. So to say they loved her is an understatement. The moment I pulled up to the house it was cheers of "baby Sienna baby Sienna. Where is baby Sienna? I want to hold baby Sienna" my poor sister hardly got to spend anytime with her cause the moment she was in her arms her kids all wanted a turn holding her. It was very tender to see how much they loved her and she was such a good baby for them and let hem hold her quite often without complaint. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

All about my favorite girl

Sienna hit 3 months a few days ago. 3 MONTHS!! She is growing so fast. It made me realize that I want to document moments in her life. Things she likes to do as a 3 month old and such. 

{loves to listen to music} She especially enjoys the children's song book. If she is ever being fussy for no real reason I turn those on and she is as good as gold. 
{loves to be read to} Whether it's the scriptures or a picture book, Sienna is all eyes and ears when you start reading.
{hates having her back scratched} she doesn't mind if you rub or pat her back! but when you start scratching she starts squirming. 
{loves to make squeaky noises} She doesn't cry in the middle of the night to let me know she is hungry . She just makes squeaky noises, like squeaky grunts. She also squeaks when she stretches and when you bring her feet up to her head.
{loves to have her hands up by her head when she eats} If you put your finger by her hand she'll usually grab it and hold it by her head while she eats
{disinterested in toys} the only thing that we could even say remotely held her attention is a toy rattle, which she will hold in her hand and move up and down but I don't think she really knows what she is doing with it.
{loves having her hands in a fist} it's almost impossible to spread her hands out straight! Even when she is sleeping. She is always so tense. 
{loves to suck on her fist and fingers} it's so cute to watch cause she will lift up her hands, stare at them, and as she brings them to her mouth she goes cross eyed and stays that way for a couple of seconds.
{Loves to kick kick kick} We feed Sienna on our laps cause that's what they showed us in the hospital and we just haven't changed so we get lots of kicks to the chest and stomach. And they actually hurt
{has the worst gas ever} You wouldn't think something so foul could come out of such a petite cute baby. Matt has diagnosed her with A.S.F- adult sounding farts. You could also change it to adult smelling farts cause those things are stinky
{loves to be swaddled} in order for her to take a good long nap she must be swaddled. If not her rouge hands will smack her in the face at some point and wake her up. 
{has the best pout} She will have us wrapped around her finger if she keeps that pout up. I have never seen a baby be able to stick out their lower lip so much. Still need to catch on camera.
{has mixed feelings about tummy time} She likes it for about 10 mins. In that time she does some super man poses and almost flips herself over. Then she cries hysterically. 

Now for some pictures that may exhibit these characteristics about her. And others just to show off her cuteness. 
                           The straight jacket swaddled 

                                     Semi pout
                               Loving the rattle
                                  Eats and sleeps like a queen
                                   Diva by day
                                               Thug by night
                                               Canada day
                                  Independence Day

Love this picture for a few reason. Shows her pulling her hands to her face and going cross eyed. Plus shows her size. This is my best friend jennicas baby. They are about 7 weeks a part, yet if I didn't know better I would think Owen was older. 
          Nothing better then sleeping with my sweet girl.