Sunday, December 24, 2017

Sadie months 1&2

I wasn't planning on blogging about Sadie. Not because she doesn't deserve to be blogged about cause she does, I just didn't know if I would find the time and when I did if that is what I would want to do. But then I found myself reading a blog post about David when he was this age and him and Sadie had all these similarities that I forgot about. I thought they were much different babies. I want to remember Sadie the way she is, so here it goes

Month one
- Born Sept 23 at 4:59. Weighed 6.14
-  slept a lot on the couch. She could sleep there for hours, but move her to her bed and she would wake up way too soon
- Napped a lot like all babies should
- weighed about 8 lbs when she turned one month (birth weight 6.14) 
- adored by her older siblings, especially David. He is always wanting to be beside her. Sometimes it was a little too much love as he would lay on her, saying he was giving her a hug.
- Slept 5 hours at night a few times. It was glorious
- Sadie was blessed when she was two weeks old
-Spent a week in the hospital as she had developed an infection soon after birth. That was sad. She had the worse veins. They had such a hard time giving her IVS and drawing her blood.
- We take a nap together almost every afternoon. She is a good cuddle bug
-You had jaundice as a baby and had to go under the lights twice. The sort of good news, you were already in the hospital receiving antibiotics for an infection, so it didn't put a kink in our lives.
- Such a stuffed up little baby. Needs a nose cleaning a few times a day.

Baby blessing day

Sweet beautiful girl.

First day home from the hospital. These two were so excited to hold her.

Sadie was there first, then David, and so of course Sienna couldn't be left out.

Pumpking carving

Walking on the nature trail with Grandma

Morning snuggles

Month Two
- Getting to be a better night time sleeper, but not taking as long of naps
- Started to smile. It's the cutest thing.
- Loves to suck on her fingers.
- Sticks her tongue out lots.
- Weighs around 9 pounds.
- Got to meet Santa for the first time.
- Starting to make all those cute baby coo noises
- Slept for 9 hours. WAAAHHHOOO. I woke up feeling like a million bucks.
- Doesn't like a pacifier. But she falls asleep easily without one so I am not bothered...yet
- Gets loved and squished by David all the time. He just thinks she is the best, and also a play doll.

2 months old!
Giraffe for halloween

First little smiles

Bath time!

Christmas jammies from Grandma. And David poking her eye out.