Monday, August 23, 2010

Can't forget Oregon/seattle

Oh wait. I do have something to blog about. my road trip to OREGON AND SEATTLE!
I bummed a ride with megan hartley. Only the coolest girl ever. Her sister came as well, but all she did was sleep :) It was a really great trip I was in need of a little vacation from the stressful month of July. Megan was going to oregon for a friend from schools homecoming. In oregon we went to the saturday market, played volleyball, ate a lot of good food, and played cards.

Then we headed up to seattle to visit megans other friend (she is obviously quite popular) there we went to the waterfront, pike's place market and saw people throw fish around and saw the worlds first starbucks. We went and saw the temple, picked huckleberrys (they grow like weeds there) and made a stop motion video. It's tougher then one might think. We spent like 2 hours making a one minute show. Then we drove home. But I'd have to say some of the best time was spent in the car. I had a lot of fun with megan and her sister and I'm so glad I went.


Taylor Family said...

What a fun trip, and bummer that your camera is broken. Thankfully they're dirt cheap now and hopefully you can get a new one soon! I'm so excited for you to go back to school. I bet you can't wait as well!

Karli said...

I was in Seattle just a couple days ago at Pike's Market too!!! Seattle and Portland are awesome. Which do you like better? I vote Portland.

Buddy said...

Looks like a great time Chan! I love the west coast and Becky and I are thinking that we wouldn't mind living out that way in the future.