Saturday, July 11, 2009


Me and Nikki started a tradition this semester of making breakfast every wednesday. We do a lot of things around chocolate and oatmeal. It'll be oatmeal choco chip waffles of chocolate crepes. They are always really good. Topped with peanut butter, fruit, yogurt, jam. Oh the goodness. We've also invited a guy friend named ben and we decided to make it more official and call ourselves the Breakfast club and we made actual I.D. cards that you have to wear to eat.
Then the other night fort was reborn. And we watched toy story 2 in it. Gosh i just love forts. Then me and Nikki slept the night in there. We took pictures of us trying to make the same ugly face, but not knowing what the other was making. This is a few results. CAUTION: These are pretty nasty
The next morning we were going to go to a breakfast on campus. Chocolate chip pancakes. but we weren't quite sure were it was so instead we just made oatmeal choco chip waffles with all the great toppings and ate them in our fort and watched sponge bob (not my fav cartoon but lets face it. They just don't make saturday morning cartoons like the used to)


Taylor Family said...

Chan, I never knew you could look anything but cute. You proved me wrong (Ha, Ha, Ha!) We can't wait to see you! You'll have to make us all your chocolate breakfasts!

Karli said...

1. You will make me these waffles of wonder when you get up here right? (please?)
2. Don't tell me Sponge Bob isn't your favorite cartoon! Let's not forget our trip to TX. Or maybe that's WHY it's not your fav anymore.... hmm. well either way, I feel like a fudgsicle :)
3. Props on the ugly faces. We may need a side by side comparison, but I think some of those might rival THE famouso ugly picture by yours truly.
4. When are you actually going to come running into my arms? What day?