Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Kambri Came to Canada

My brother and his girlfriend and also my best friend love me so much they came all the way to Canada for my birthday. 
That there is love!
Jk they didn't really but it was nice that they were there for my birthday.
Thanks to Kambri I pretty much got a gift from everyone in my family, as in she got me enough gifts we could've given them each a part of it.
Although Becky did her own and made an Ice Cream cake for me...oh no wait, she made that for fathers day but then my Aunt had bought a real ice cream cake so then my birthday was second best. At least I got a cake

Return of the snake. She got me snake earings, a snake purse, a fake snake, dried papaya, the t-shirt game and a cute California frame with pictures from our trip in it. Sweetest girl ever.
 For my Birthday we hiked to Bertha Falls/Lake

This photo was our inspiration.

It almost looks like white sandy beaches.

 Yup this is the only one I have with my brother. Every other picture is either me with Kambri or him with Kambri. He is just so wanted and loved

That night we slept out on the tramp, but failed to take any pictures, but I'll have you know mitch and kambri can't handle a night out on the tramp. At 4:30 in the morning I wake up to this, "Chan, it's not your birthday anymore, so we are going inside" Me: NO DON"T DO IT. 
They never listened. I slept like a baby out there, I don't know what their problem was.
The next day we went down Kimball. Note to self, never go down a river when it's been raining for the last few weeks and temperatures have only been in the teens.

 Here is the raging river of death. Seriously, I got out of the car and saw how fast it was going and said there is no way I'm getting in that river unless we pray first. It usually takes about an hour and a halfish to make it to the cliffs. We got there in about 30 mins. That's how fast the river was going.
 Us pretending that we were having a great time. I'm surprised we could even smile. Seriously the water was only about 8 degrees (apparently 8 degree's and down is the temp for hypothermia to set in) My legs were soooo cold and stiff from not moving them I'm pretty sure that if I fell off my tube I would've just sunk. So scary, so exhilerating, so fun, and so stupid.
We jumped out of the river half way down because there was no way we could handle another hour.
And that about sums up my time with kambri and mitch.
I wish they'd come back soon.

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