Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Remember that one time in my life where I blogged about how boring my life was. Well it's suddenly not so boring. Now mind you I still have lots of time to relax and sit on the computer but working for 8 hours everyday, playing outside in the sun, reading books, or playing with family and friends has kept me rather occupied. I love it. I've come to terms with the fact that my life rocks and I'm so happy to be where I am.

I've kind of kicked myself out of the house. My parents friends dropped off a motor home for us to use while our 4 bedroom house tries to house 10 people. Oh and have I ever mentioned the fact that my house only has one bathroom? Just wrap your head around that for one second. So yah I kicked myself into the motor home. That way when I come in late at night I don't have to worry about waking up sleeping babies or adults. Also it's super peaceful out there. I wake up to just hearing birds chirping softly with little rays of light peaking in. oh and not to mention the mattress is incredible! Best sleep ever. Yah. Im hoping it stays all summer. It also makes a great place to have rook nights. Nice and private.

So I love meeting new people and talking to them. Today I talked to some interesting characters. You reading might not think so since you didn't talk to them and I'm sure me describing it just doesn't do it justice. I've decided that the stereotype that accountants generally have no personality and are awkward is true. It's usually pretty easy for me to have conversations with people, make them laugh, both of us leave with a smile on our face. Not so with accountants. They are Monotone. Straight faced. and fail at attempts for humor. (probably because it was told in a monotone serious voice with a straight face. Not a good combination when telling a joke). I just left the building with a bewildered expression thinking, what just happened in there? Then the next place I go to the guy gives me a donation for the family fun run, and I ask him if he'd like me to bring him a receipt and he says yes you can just mail it.
Let me give you some history as to why this is such an unusual request. I live in a town of 3500 people. I work a block away from him. The town office where I go to take the money and get a receipt is just across the street.... So I say to him "Oh it's okay I'll just bring it over in like 15 mins. It's just across the street"..." No I'd really rather you mail it, I mean I plan on locking the door in the next few minutes and organizing this crazy place. Just take my card and mail it"... I don't know, maybe he had some top secret plans about to take place in there. But I mean I can just come back tomorrow. Instead I'm going to spend 54 cents on a stamp just to get something mailed across the street. Does this make sense to anyone?

Sorry for my lack of pictures lately. I hate blogging without pictures but I just haven't been taking much lately. and my blog posts are just filled with nonsense that really doesn't have pictures to go with it. Maybe I'll snap a pick of my motorhome sometime. But until then I'm going to take a nap.


Madison Beazer said...

How long will this motorhome be staying within our care? Long enough for me to enjoy such luxury?

Emme said...

haha, i think i know exactly who you're talking about...

Kristen Ruiz said...

Pahaha! That's why it's so hard to meet guys in Calgary. I swear that everyone guy up there is studying to be an Accountant. BAH!

Karli said...

Expect a little visit at the motor home some time in the near future from me.