Monday, July 18, 2011

weekend fun

This weekend was pretty good.
First off. Thanks Jennica and Janeen for getting Madison and I addicted to Vampire Diaries.
I've lost a lot of sleep due to that show.
We watched it while we drove home from thunder in the valley and while we sun tanned.

Saturday was the most eventful day.
We went to WICKED in Calgary.
(2.5 hours away from home to put this into time perspective)
We left at 10:30 got there to the auditorium at 1:30 and our show started at 2:00.
We should've had plenty of time to get our seats but there was a few problems.
Namely I had to go to the bathroom so bad that I felt sick, maybe started hyperventilating, and was on the verge of tears.
Thank goodness we made it when we did.
We got separated from the rest of our family when the person directing traffic
directed us in opposite directions.
Guess who didn't have their tickets?
Thank you Becky for running all over the building to find us so that we wouldn't miss the show.
WICKED was awesome. A lot different then I expected.
I kind of knew the story line but my eyes were opened a lot more.
I'd suggest seeing it to everyone. That means you.
We got home at about 8:00
30 mins later we were on the road again to go to thunder in the valley.
It's a firework show in the mountains. About 1.5 hours away
Another thing I'd recommend going to at least once
There was probably about 5000 people there.
I love that the moment I parked my car on the side of the road
(about 2 miles away from where the fireworks were at)
People that I was going to watch with walked by.
How perfect.
We didn't get home till about 2 in the morning.
Such an exhausting day.
The next morning Madison and I went to the singles ward which is an hour away.
Needless to say, I've had enough of driving.
Don't hate me cause she's beautiful

Sisters at the fireworks
Waiting for becky to come with our tickets.
These pictures aren't really a fair representation of how truly good saturday was.
But believe me people. It was good.


jennica said...

so glad you love wicked! and VD! so addicting!

Taylor Family said...

I loved Wicked! I'd see it again in a heartbeat. I never did go to fire in the valley. Shoot!

jaron said...

sounds like a girls weekend out to me at lest you to had fun