Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I love when I'm able to look back at my life and see how things worked out just perfectly.
When I was super bored this last week and went back and labelled all my blog posts
I found this post I'd forgotten I'd even written. As I was reading it I was reminded of the frustration I had as I wrote it, but once I finished reading and started thinking about the past semester I realized that I was dead on. I wrote about how maybe I was suppose to meet certain people in these classes that I hadn't really planned on taking and that was why my schedule wasn't working out. And what do you know, I met Blaine Burton who ironically, was in both those classes.
Fate? Destiny? Coincidence? I think not. He introduced me to a group of students who I loved
and became instant friends with. They are the sweetest girls. I felt like I was back in high
school. The guys were awesome. I have never been to an apartment that had better guys then these. When you were with them you were guaranteed to have a great time. That's one reason I miss rexburg so much. I miss being with people I consider my Best friends and knowing that even if we are just lounging around on the couch in someone's living room, I'm going to have a good time. Anyway I love the opportunity to look back in retrospect and realize that things worked out just the way they were suppose to. And those moments of frustration were totally worth it in the end.
Have you ever seen a better looking, more happy bunch? I think not
Well since I'm talking about fun and friends. Last night I had a blast. It reminded me that I do love being home and that I am going to have a great summer with great friends.


jaron said...

i like this post it was very sweet chanel :)

AllyValdez said...

i love you and miss you. so glad that you and blaine had classes together because my semester wouldn't be complete without meeting you!

jaron said...

i just want to say i'm glad we became friend thanks chanel

Kelsey said...

oh i just love you! lovely post :) xoxo