I can't really think of anything to title this blog. It's just a few random pictures from being at home and coming down to school. I really wish i was more of a picture taker. A part of me really would like to do project 365 but I think I would find it more of a nuisance then something actually enjoyable. But then I'd always have a picture to go with my blog and would probably find more simple things to take pictures of and just enjoy those moments. oh well.
Twinners (look at mitch in the background)

All cute and ready to bowl

I love a genuine happy picture. Such as this

Snow bank along the side of the road on the way to idaho

Yes I am wearing 2 pairs of glasses at the same time.
we were totally gonna take a picture at the same snow bank im sure!!
Love the pictures. Random posts are some of the best.
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